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  • Writer's pictureHannah Bramwell

10 Lash Tech Content Ideas

Stuck in a content rut?

We’ve all been there. As a lash tech, Instagram is your digital canvas, and sometimes, you just need a little inspiration to keep your feed fresh and engaging.

Here are ten content ideas that will help you connect with your audience, showcase your skills, and keep your followers coming back for more.


1. Before & After Transformations

Show off your work! Create a reel showcasing the before and after, choose a trending audio that with a beat drop then align it to the transformation.


2. Client Testimonials ⭐️

Showcase one of your clients story, talk about the emotions your client feels when then arrived vs when they left. Share their reviews and testimonials in your posts and stories.


3. Lash Care Tips

Educate your followers on how to take care of their lash extensions. Share do’s and don’ts, tips for extending the life of their lashes, and product recommendations. This establishes you as an expert and helps clients maintain their lashes better. For example, for a reel you could say “One thing you can change to get an extra week out of your lashes”


4. Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses

Let your potential clients see the magic behind the being a lash tech. Post photos or videos of your workspace, your tools, or the process of applying lash extensions. This adds a personal touch and builds trust.

Behind the scenes of a Lash Tech


5. Meet your new Lash Tech

Introduce yourself! Share a post about your journey as a lash tech, your favorite things about the job, or a day in your life. This helps your followers get to know the person behind the lashes.


6. Time-Lapse Videos

Create a time-lapse video of a lash extension process. This gives your audience a fascinating look at your process and showcases your efficiency and precision.


7. Lash Styles & Trends

Educate your audience on different lash styles and the latest trends. Share photos of various lash types, such as classic, volume, or hybrid lashes, and explain the differences.


8 . Client Spotlights

Feature your clients in your posts. Share a photo of their lashes and a little story about them (with their permission, of course). This not only shows off your work but also builds community.


 9. Frequently Asked Questions

Address common questions about lash extensions. Create a Q&A post or a series of stories covering topics like lash care, the application process, and what to expect during an appointment.


10. Start a reel series

For example, “How to prepare for your lash appointment part 1” then go up to part 10.


Consistency is key, so try to mix these ideas into your content calendar regularly. Remember, your Instagram is a reflection of your brand, so keep it professional but don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through.


Follow me for daily content ideas @lashologyengland on Instagram 💗





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