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  • Writer's pictureLashology England

5 things I love about being a Lash Tech

It’s no secret that I love lashes. They make me feel good, they make other people feel good, and they bring joy to the world. And while it might seem like the field of lash tech is all about beauty and glamour, there are many other reasons why I love my job:

It’s fun

Being a lash tech is fun! There’s such a variety of work and so many creative ways to approach the same problem. It’s also really fun to see what people come in with—whether it’s lashes that are completely gone, or short and sparse lashes.

I love working with my clients who can come in with sad lashes, but leave happy and confident after their appointments. And lastly, there's nothing like feeling accomplished at the end of a day—especially after you've worked hard!

Many of my clients have even become my good friends.

It’s flexible

Unlike some jobs that require you to be at the office, lash techs can work from home. Or, if you prefer, you can work from a salon or mobile unit. Many lash techs choose to do both of these things—working in salons while they're building up their clientele and then branching out on their own once they have enough regulars. This flexibility is great for those who want to make their own schedules and travel often.

It’s fulfilling

I find it fulfilling to see the results of my work, to know that I'm making a difference in someone's life. It's so rewarding to see people feel better about themselves after getting lashes. It feels great to help someone feel beautiful and confident again!

It feels good to succeed

Success is a great feeling. When you accomplish something, it feels good. Success is a feeling of accomplishment, and it can lead to more opportunities for success in the future.

I can do what I love and make a living at it.

I love making people feel good about themselves. I love that I can help my clients look and feel their best, which in turn makes me feel good. I love the creativity that comes with being a lash tech because it forces me to think outside the box and come up with new ways to create beautiful lashes on each person’s unique face shape and skin tone.

I love receiving feedback from clients after they get their lashes done by me, because then I know what worked well and what didn’t work so well during their appointment. It allows for great improvement over time! And finally, my favourite part about this job: seeing how happy my clients are when they see their fresh new set of lush lashes (sometimes even tears!). This makes all of my hard work worth it each day!


I hope that you’re feeling inspired to do what you love, follow your passion and make a living from it. If you want to learn more about becoming a lash tech or want to get started with our online training course, visit us at

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